
Skin care tips

Hi Lovelies,

I hope that you are all having a fab day 🙂

I really have the sweetest followers on Instagram and they are constantly complimenting me and telling me how good my skin looks. So I though I would take this opportunity to share my skin care routine & tips coz sharing is caring 🙂

My tips will include both life style and beauty product tips as I feel they go hand in hand for great skin. I have combination skin so my routine and product types may differ to people with oily & dry skin but I think the core concepts of skin care will still apply to everyone :). Most brands out there create the same product for different skin types which assists in catering for all our needs.

The different skin types can be seen below:


If you need help understanding your skin type then check out this post from Huda Beauty which decodes the characteristics of different skin types.

In addition to understand your skin type, you must also understand your skin needs and then find the relevant products to meet those needs. Every product you use needs to be there for a reason.

Skin care & Lifestyle


So lets start with the basics guys, just exercising, sleeping, eating right & drinking lots of water really does wonders for my skin!

I refrain from fizzy drinks and juice as much as possible. I drink at least 4-5 glasses of water a day. I know 8 is recommended but I will get there. The important thing is to start and have your own rules. I find that carrying my water bottle around ensures that I meet my water requirements. Water will help to flush out the toxins from your body and ultimately lead to clear skin. I have definitely seen the skin benefits of cutting out other sugary drinks and replacing them with water. This also leads to weight loss benefits so it’s a win win situation 🙂

I try to exercise regularly. This really goes a long way as it improves the blood flow in your body which increases the flow of oxygen. After I have sweated out all those impurities with a good gym workout, I do notice a nice glow on my skin. I know that not all of us are gym people so start small guys, try to take the stairs when you can, play a sport, join a class or even get some equipment for home. I have an exercise mat and weights that I use at home. I got the mat from Dischem and the weights I bought at my Zumba class.

About 2 years ago I significantly changed my eating habits and I will never look back. This has done wonders for my body and my skin. I have reduced all sugar and junk food from my diet. I actually notice that my skin now looks healthier and feels better than ever before and I am sure this has played a huge role. I still have my cheat days and bad eating days but overall I keep to my good eating habits. Chocolate is my definite weakness so I now have it in moderation. I read this article in Cosmopolitan magazine about the link between diet and skin that really helped me to understand the skin benefits of eating right : https://www.cosmopolitan.co.za/advice-buys/the-truth-about-diet-and-your-skin/

Lastly, my favorite lifestyle skin care ritual is beauty sleep :). If you needed a reason to sleep more, then here it is :). When I was studying I used to sleep minimal hours because I was so OCD about cramming in as must as possible before the exams. Wow did that take a toll on my skin. My skin looked dull & lifeless and it felt so dry. Even these days if I have a night of minimal sleep my skin feels horrible to me. I try as much as possible to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to allow my skin to have some down time and rejuvenate. Beauty sleep is real guys, don’t let people convince you otherwise 🙂

Skin care routine & products


I am sure that everyone has a skin care regime that consists of various awesome products. Skin care is different for everyone as we all have different skin types so what may work for one person may not work for another. Growing up I realized this very quickly as my mum, sister & I did not use the same brands. My sister and mum swear by Dove but it causes me to break out.

I am going to do a run through of my routine and the types of products I use to keep my skin looking and feeling great. I will mention the brands I use but as mentioned above I know everyone has preferences for different brands that they have tried and tested over the years.

1. Cleanser

  • I use a gentle face wash every day to cleanse my skin. On the days I exfoliate I skip my face wash.
  • I particularly say ‘gentle’ face wash and it should be as you need to use it everyday.
  • Your cleanser should leave your face feeling refreshed and soft & if it doesn’t then make a change guys.
  • At the moment I am using a Nivea 2 in 1 cleanser & toner for normal & combination skin which I love and I feel is great for every day use.
  • I have tried other face washes which totally dried my skin out and those definitely got tossed out.

2. Eye cream

  • I use eye cream daily to keep my eye area hydrated and bright.
  • I started using eye cream in my late 20’s though many of the articles I have read suggested that you start in your early 20’s…Oh well :/
  • You should apply eye cream at least once a day but preferably twice a day.
  • I usually apply my eye cream before my face sunscreen and moisturizer.
  • I am currently using a L’Oreal eye cream during the day & an Estee Lauder night eye cream. It isn’t necessary to use to different eye creams for day & night but I prefer it.
  • Here are links to good eye cream options that I have checked out to help me decide which eye cream to purchase:

3. Face sunscreen

  • I wear face sunscreen every single day of the year.
  • I read about the benefits of using a face sunscreen daily in a magazine years ago. I researched the benefits and ever since I have added this to my daily skin care routine.
  • As we get older we need to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful rays and since our face is most often exposed to the sun it makes sense to wear sunscreen daily.
  • I apply it to my skin after eye cream & moisturizer.
  • I must say that I really have seen the benefits over the years which for me have included increased hydration and definite anti-aging assistance.  I will keep this as part of my skin care regime forever and ever 🙂 .
  • Here is a link to an article on the benefits of wearing face sunscreen to help you decide if this is for you:

4. Moisturizer

5. Anti-marks cream

  • I realized in my early teens that I needed to use a separate anti marks cream to combat those acne scars and I would noticed how quickly any pimple scars would disappear.
  • I now apply my anti-marks cream every morning after I moisturize .
  • It is really important to find and use a good anti-marks cream or spot treatment as the other products you use may not necessarily these target marks.

6. Toner

  • I use a toner a few times a week to remove impurities.
  • I used to tone everyday but I found it unnecessary and a bit harsh on my skin so that’s when I decided to buy a 2 in 1 cleanser and toner which proved to be much gentler on my skin.
  • I normally tone 2 times a week or after I have worn a full face of makeup just to ensure that all the makeup is thoroughly removed.
  • Currently I am using a Nivea toner.

7. Exfoliator

  • It is really important to exfoliate in order to remove those dead skin cells & unclog your pores.
  • I exfoliate my skin once a week to give it that extra clean that it needs.
  • Some people may prefer to exfoliate more but I feel like you can judge for yourself how often you need to exfoliate depending on your skin type and how your skin feels after exfoliation.
  • While using an exfoliator is great there are downsides to using it too often. It can irritate the skin and leave it feeling too dry.
  • I am currently using an Oil of O’lay exfoliator which is amazing.

7. Facials

  • I use a face mask or go for a facial at least once a month.
  • The benefits of facials vary according to the type of facial you choose so make sure you choose one that will be beneficial to your skin type and skin needs.
  • The main benefits however include improved blood circulation and the removal of impurities.
  • I prefer natural products to be used on my skin so I have not tried any of the chemical treatments as yet. So far the natural products and treatments have worked for me so I am content with them.
  • I am quite a fan of  Ayurvedic facials


8. Makeup removal 

  • Makeup clogs your pores and can lead to acne so I ensure that I remove all makeup before bed. Sure there will be that odd day that you may forget or be too lazy but do not make it a habit.
  • I make sure to use a gentle makeup remover on my skin to avoid any irritations.
  • I recently tried a new makeup remover which was so harsh it made my skin, especially my eyelids, feel like it was burning. It was from a brand that I use often but I had bought a different type which I guess was the issue.
  • Currently I am using Garnier makeup wipes, Garnier Micellar water & Clarins eye makeup remover. I am also a fan of the Nivea makeup wipes.

9. Skin etiquette

As I got older I became more aware of how I treated my skin and now I always try to be soft and gentle.

  • Treat your skin lovingly ladies. Make sure you pat it dry instead of using harsh movements to wipe it.
  • When you are applying makeup, be gentle, especially around the eye area as the skin around the eye area is especially delicate..
  • Refrain from pinching pimples and scarring the skin. I know this is easier said than done but remember it takes longer to heal if you pick at it.
    • If however you have pinched the skin I find that applying Vaseline or Bio-oil (I love bio oil) to the hurt area really speeds up the healing process and leaves minimal scarring.
    • Also as mentioned using an anti-marks cream can assist in speeding up the recovery process.
  • I recently moved from waxing my brows and upper lip to threading to decrease the strain on the skin. I do feel that threading is a bit more painful but it is supposed to be better in the long run. Waxing is said to be more harsh on the delicate upper lip & brow skin and can even lead to increased wrinkles.
  • Try to not use too many new products at the same time. This way you if you have a reaction you will be able to determine which product caused it.
  • If you skin has been irritated by a new product wait for the skin to feel better before applying any makeup to it. I had to go cold turkey on makeup when I recently had the skin reaction to my makeup wipes. I applied my home-made face mask to sooth my skin for a few days.

10. Makeup free days

  • I am all about makeup free days to give my skin time to breathe.
  • I do not use foundation or a full face of makeup everyday. I mostly stick to my eyeliner, lipstick and mascara on weekdays.
  • Your skin needs a break from makeup products once in a while so that it can rejuvenate. Try every once in a while to go a day without makeup at least, especially if you wear foundation every day. You will definitely notice the difference this makes to your skin. It will feel refreshed and look healthier.
  • When I was growing up my mum was really strict and did not allow me to use any makeup. Eventually she caved with eyeliner and eyeshadow but the rest was a mystery to me. I only really got into makeup about 2 years ago, until then I did not even own a foundation :/ . Even though I was really pissed at the time I have to say I am really grateful to her as I think this played a part in allowing me to be comfortable in my own skin without makeup.

11. Home remedies

  • Do not be afraid to try home remedies as they actually work!
  • I previously posted the recipe for my home made face mask and I have carefully researched all the ingredients in it. I use it regularly and I love it.
  • Sometimes its the simple things that works so do not discount them because you are not paying huge amounts of money for them.
  • Some home ingredients benefits:
    • Avocado is a great source of vitamins and acts as an antioxidant on your skin. You can mash and apply it directly onto your skin or combine it with any of the ingredients below.
    • Sugar acts as an exfoliator and gently removes impurities from the skin. You can make your own exfoliator using brown sugar and honey. Mix them together and gently rub onto the skin. You can use this scrub for your lips as well.
    • Milk thoroughly and gently cleanses the skin. You can use this as an astringent. Wet a cotton pad with milk and gently cleanse skin. Your skin will feel amazing after.
    • Turmeric helps to lighten pigmentation, tightens the skin and can help to reduce acne scarring. You can mix this with water until you get a paste and then apply directly onto the skin;
    • Honey can be used for the treatment of acne and is a good moisturizer. You can apply honey directly onto the skin;
    • Cucumbers are soothing and refreshing. They add moisture to the skin due to their own high moisture content. You can eat them or apply them directly to the skin 🙂

12. Rotating my facial skin care brands

  • I change my product brands every once in a while and I do not really use an entire range from the same brand, as you probably noticed :).
  • I read somewhere that your skin can get used to a product and it eventually stops reacting to it. I have a few brands that I really like so I rotate between them and I find this works for me.

Looking to my skin future

  • I am constantly researching skin care and ways to keep my skin looking good. I really want to start using a facial oil. I feel that as I am getting older this will really assist in keeping my skin nourished and provide extra moisture.
  • I recently purchased a serum but I have not used it enough to give my opinion on the benefits as yet. Will keep you updated on that.
    • Serums are said to be really effective as they contain a concentrated amount of the ingredients required for combatting skin issues. They are also thinner in consistency than other products, such as moisturizer, which allow them to absorb faster & easily into your skin.
  • I have also started some research into Micro-needling. Many people with gorgeous skin swear by it.
    • Micro-needling is a procedure whereby tiny needles puncture the skin and promote the production of collagen leaving the skin looking younger.
    • You can read about the benefits here. I am still deciding if this is for me.
  • I am also looking at other brands to try & on my list are Elizabeth Arden, Bioderma and Clinque.

I think we can all agree that taking care of our skin needs to be a priority but do not be overwhelmed with the information out there or in this post. Start slowly and you will find your way. Understand your skin type and then research, research, research!

Your skin care routine will be ever-changing because as we get older we our skin needs change. I know some products are ridiculously expensive, so use your skin needs as an indicator of what products you should splurge on. For example, I feel that eye cream is something I do not mind spending more money on now to combat fine lines I have noticed as I got older.

There are some reasonably priced skin care ranges out there that are amazing. I always recommend the Nivea range to my friends who are looking to start with their skin care routine as I find it to be both effective and reasonably priced.

Remember investing in your skin is an investment you will never regret!

Till next time ♥

XOXO Beauty & the Bronzer

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